The South African Athletic Association knew all along that, Caster’s looks have always been questionable। You take one look at Caster you see a boy not a girl, her voice, the way she walks and the masculine body tell she is probably a male. The ASA should have took care of this, way back the minute Caster started being a professional runner to save us the embarrassment and trauma the little girl is going through right now. I am appalled by the irresponsibility, arrogance, and unaccountability of the activists who are running ASA. These irresponsible activists think that by just being an activist qualifies you to be a leader or a manager. If they think, they did adequately to protect her; they did the exact opposite to trash and humiliate her. One would ask why those tests were not done here in South Africa. With the ignorant appointed activists, one is not surprised about the way they handled this sensitive personal issue. I do not think ASA know that this is personal and private issue, do they? The public had no right to know about Caster’s gender tests, now that this issue is the talk of the town, we will talk and discuss about it simply because we know about it. Personally, I do not think Caster grew up playing with girls, the fact that she looks boyish this makes us suspicious that her gender might be otherwise. That is why it was very vital for ASA to conduct tests early and privately doing so to protect her from negative reports by local and international media. I can’t bear the thought that Caster might fail those tests, if she does fail those tests, what does this mean for Caster? It is obvious that her gold medal will be stripped off and this means more controversy, humiliation and end of her career. I do not know if the ASA have thought about this. ASA should take full accountability, and stop pointing fingers to IAAF about how they handled the issue. I do concur that IAAF handled the matter poorly, but who screwed first? Who was supposed to conduct tests before anyone can start asking questions? ASA do not realise what they have done to this young talented woman. If ASA think it was not necessary to conduct the tests, they should know that they dismally failed Caster. If the tests come positive, ASA must pay dearly for ruining Caster’s career as well as her image. I have heard some of the activists from ANC saying this matter is about racism and envy. I were not surprised to hear this kak coming from them, they are activists, they will always make other activists not to account instead make lame excuses for them. The idiot Leonard Chuuene does not know the difference between gender and sex. For now I suggest these activists appointed by ASA must resign, with them gone a management should be appointed, a management who will astutely conduct themselves. Caster my dear I am sorry to say this, I have a feeling that the tests will come positive, if not so congratulations.

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