We all know and knew all along that Caster’s dignity has been violated by the idiots who run ASA, and the number 1 idiot, Lenard Chuene is starting to change his tune. The idiot Chuene now is defending IAAF, how so, let me tell you something that I have been saying all the time if you have been not in touch or disagreeing with me. The ASA is being run by greedy activists who do not care about anyone but themselves, who dismally failed to protect Caster, this issue the public had no right to know about it. They (ASA) themselves traumatized Caster by denying her a right to privacy and the right to choose, Chuene fooled no one but himself and his ANC associates. I say ANC associates because, they were the first political party that fully concurred with Chuene, when used a race card to protect himself; thinking he is protecting Caster. If you have been agreeing with them, you are one of them. Winnie Madikizele-Mandela and Malema, the two idiots pulled a race card to address the Caster’s gender saga; thinking they are protecting her instead doing the direct opposite. One would question why they are repudiating her to speak. Malema talked about royal council when interviewed by 702 talk host John Robbie; he said when the child is born in the village will be send to the royal council to confirm whether is a boy or a girl. What Malema saying is kak, this traditional barbaric practice are no longer there, and knows nothing about this or he is lying. The truth about this is that, the children were taken to the royal council to be checked if they are handicapped or not, not their gender or sex. If the idiot dropout wants to know the truth about barbaric traditional practices, he should come to me; anyway I never believed in idiotic traditional practices. Now that unofficial tests results are out, I guess you are not surprised, if you are, you must be associated with Chuene or ANC. I am not surprised at all; the results came out the way I envisaged. Suspicions had always been there that she might be a hermaphrodite, and those suspicions are about to be confirmed by IAAF. The fact that Chuene does not want to account for the mess he has created makes me disgusted. ASA has cost Caster a right to privacy, dignity and respect. One is asking himself how this will destroy Caster before she can start regaining confidence and respect she deserves. If you think the publicity Caster is getting is good or is it’s because she is a good runner, you got it twisted. Caster is getting this publicity because she is an intersex, if it was not the gender saga probably I wound not know about her. Caster and her parents must sue ASA for the misery that will take years to come to terms with; ASA could have done better to protect young vulnerable country girl. Take a minute , put yourself in this young girl’s shoes and imagine the mix emotions she is going through; ask yourself if you were a hermaphrodite would you be able to handle the pain, humiliation, trauma that will probably haut this girl for the rest of her life, if the answer is yes; you must be on drugs. Caster, people you trusted most betrayed you by simply not being astute about the whole procedure to protect you. This might mean the end of your career, actually this is the end of your sporting career; try something else girl. Being a one hit wonder is not a bad thing at all, be happy for the fact that you were once famous and the world champion. ASA is being run by idiots who think they can give science experts the run for their money, science is not about opinions it is about facts. Whether you like it or not she will have to come to terms with the fact that she is intersex. Chuene and his crew should resign ASAP.

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