It was about month and few weeks later after I have buried my father after a lingering sickness that finally put him out of his misery; after six years of excruciating emotional and physical pain he passed on to end the trauma that his wife and children went through. During his sickness we gave all what we could to recuperate him, I had hope that he could heal but when he passed away there was a sense of relieve at the same time sadness and grieve. It was in the afternoon round about one o’clock, I was listening to my favorite show by a smooth lovely voice that one would like to hear whispering in his ears in the morning after a fantastic night of good sex; the voice of Jenny Crwys Williams. I love the women; I must admit though, I do sometimes fantasize about her. Anyway I am not there I am here; she had me thinking when she came with the topic about our deceased loved ones and how we bid them farewell or pay our last respect. She basically talked about the burial customs we choose to say goodbye to our loved ones or in accordance with the wishes of our deceased loved ones. The show was flooded with calls; callers were talking about their bad and good experiences, how expensive funeral parlors are. While the show was on she posed the question, since we are running out of land for burial what we can resort to instead to save our land and salvage our planet. There is only one thing that I could think of cremation the greenest custom that could conserve our land. My father did not really have a wish on how he should be bid farewell, so we went a typical modern route to bury him. It was extremely expensive but we manage to nobly bury him. After the experience I had with my father’s funeral, now it’s time to resort to something that is extra ordinary to salvage the planet, not only for us but for millions of generations to come. Cremation is conservative, extra ordinary and noble, in fact if you go back to the ages of 1400 BC cremation was the most aristocratic burial custom that was popular amongst aristocrats. So why not use this gracious custom to save the planet, with this custom we waste no land, no money and this is convenient for upper, middle and poor class. For those who do not understand how it’s done here is an example, after the passing of your loved one you take the deceased to the mortuary then you will have to ask the mortuary to burn the deceased, afterwards you take the ashes put them in the urn, take the ashes home for a burial or scattering of them. You can choose a sacred place to scatter the ashes, that place can be your back yard or any other place you think can be sacred. I plead to every member of this planet to be conservative by resorting to the greenest burial custom ever. I know some stupid Christianity doctrines forbid cremation, because of the belief that the body could not be resurrected if it were destroyed. Whether you believe it or not, we are all born Spiritual, so the body has nothing to do with Spirit, simply because Spirit never dies. Only body dies and gets destroyed. The fact that the body gets destroyed, whichever way you choose to bid farewell to your deceased loved ones. I believe we can only be resurrected as Spiritual beings not physically, so please let us stop being stupid and ignorant, it is high time we resort cremation to salvage this beautiful planet.

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