Kensington and Bedford view Eastern suburbs of Jo’burg, the neighbourhood used to be serene until Czech fugitive arrives in my hood not far from where my family lived, just few metres away. He lived in Bedford view and I lived in Kensington just across the main road that separate the two golden corridors. A drugs dealer, diamonds smuggler just to mention the few. A mafia type of a guy, I am talking about Radovan Krejcir. Some would say Czech fugitive businessman I guess it’s because he owned a chain of jewellery stores. I am saying if he is a businessman his speciality business fields are crime and corruption. Krejcir is a man dripping blood in his hands more than any other person I have come across, remember he is a fugitive. He is facing prosecution in his country (Czech Republic has warrant of arrest against Radovan). The man has been a law unto himself, doing whatever, whenever he likes since his arrival in South Africa. During ten years of my stay in Kensington I have never seen crime so rife, so fast it took all the Eastern Golden corridors residents by a huge surprise. We were astounded, shocked and some scared. Some sold their homes thinking they are running away from crime. Many didn’t feel it until it hit them directly that’s when one would begin to enforce security or do some security measures one way or the other. Yes, I am one of those who turned a blind eye I never thought about it to that level. Believe me when I say, I could sleep with almost all doors open, of course during the day but that came to an end sooner than expected. Yet I read about crime everyday but because it never reached that solemnity in my neighbourhood, I was naïve then to take it for granted. We never had security that patrols the streets nor electrical fences in the neighbourhood. We had 1.7 metre walls some were 2 metre walls and dogs, the environment was fairly conducive. When crime became reality to my family, it left us traumatised. The horrible thing it happened for the very first time in (2006) when my father was out of town, I was home alone. I had to be more vigilant at all times after the horrific scenes I witnessed. My father had to cut his trip short to put things in order. He instructed me to take precautions all the time, he told me to lock the gate, lock all doors coming in or out and never to leave the key hanging in the door. He bought two Rottweilers, they were both females and one male Jack Russel. Rottweilers are known to be vicious, stubborn and shrewd not easy to fight them. They have the ability to spot the criminals from afar, they can fight until you surrender if you don’t; they fight to the bitter end in fact they will leave you humbled. The only way to defeat Rottweilers is to shoot them dead before they attack. Upon Krejcir’s arrival in Bedford crime became part of our daily existent, hijacks and killings week in and week out right on your door step. Robberies at Eastgate mall and Bedford centre would happen more than twice a year. Not just robberies, cash transit ones. Robberies you knew a shoot-out would ensue at any time if robbery would happen. I guess after three robberies, security guards at both shopping centres were armed with live ammunition rifles and pistols. It started with house burglaries, house robberies escalated to hijackings, robberies and killings. Despite robberies happening in both shopping centres they never lost customers more and more came. A bloody robbery would ensue, few hours later all is cleared and the business would continue as usual. It is strange, don’t you think!? I remember vividly it became a habit to take precautions. The community came together to draft a letter to all residents to take safety measures. It was really up to you how you enforce security in your home, it was too much for the police to try and curb it on their own. Residents couldn’t leave on the shoulders of the police. The community had to join forces with the police to make it easy to root out crime. But still crime continued to remain prevalent in the area until Krejcir was arrested in November 2013, with five others, three of them crime intelligence officers. They all face charges of drug dealing, kidnapping, torture, conspiracy to murder and murdering Lebanese national and alleged drug dealer Sam Issa (Black Sam is his nickname). Who would forget ‘the king of pleasure’ Lolly Jackson’s murder. Krejcir shot Lolly point blank in front of George Luca, his accomplice Krejcir is a pathological lie. He would kill you smiling. He killed Lolly for 20000 rand, so says Luca. According to Luca Krejcir owed ‘the king of pleasure’ (Lolly) 20000 rand. He thought he had everybody wrapped around his little finger. He was wrong! Kensington and Bedford community got relieved when Krejcir got arrested. It was a breath of fresh air to hear the news that Krejcir is arrested, still is today. Krejcir has been on trial from behind bars since his arrest in 2013. Big up to the prosecution team that finally hit the final nail on his coffin, I know it sounds cruel but it’s true. He finally gets what he deserves, severe punishment! It is adamant that he is wrong, very wrong. I know South Africa’s number one crime and corruption lead singer will have his day too, believe me when I say so. Have a little faith in our justice system, I believe the hand of the law is very long! One way or the other he will have his day. It happened with two high profile criminals completely different in one week consecutively, father of the late Brett Keble, Rodger Kebble shot himself dead on Tuesday (25/08/2015). Kebble senior was led into a world of shadowy espionage and corporate skulduggery, entrapping himself in a web of malfeasance and fraud. And Czech fugitive Krejcir was found guilty on charges of attempted murder and kidnapping by South Gauteng High Court. Judge Colin Lamont found Krejcir was involved in the kidnapping of Bheki Lukhele and of trying to force Lukhele to reveal the whereabouts of his brother Doctor. Crime does not pay period! Believe it, don’t believe it!

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